take a look at our
what we do.
A digital-first brand experience is what we are obsessed with:
How your customers experience your brand on-screen is often their first, lasting impression of your brand.
Every detail matters.
You will get top-tier service from shepx services during and after we create your brand’s website.
website design & development
shepx designs and develops websites for humans who want better experiences from brands. our websites are designed and developed to be experienced mobile-first, search engine optimized, fast, and secure. Shepx does it all, from sketches to pixels to copywriting and support.
software ui & ux design
shepx designs user interface (UI) and user experiences (UX) for software (saas) and apps. our design approach is end-user focused with business goals driving the overall direction. we document our designs to make hand-off to dev teams a fluid experience.
better experiences come from
better services
Using the Vibe, Tribe, & Why™ Process, we develop a business development strategy for your website.
your website is built with growth in mind, so the platform for your brand can expand into new ways to delight and engage your customers.
digital-first experiences also need
supporting services
logo design.
If you need your brand’s logo refreshed or recreated, we’ve got you covered with a thorough process similar to what we use for our websites.
email marketing.
The most effective way to invite ideal customers is through email marketing.
social media marketing.
We believe that the purpose of social media marketing is to inform and delight the brand’s audience.
shepx ensures that all websites created adhere to current best practices, which are highly valued by search engines.
make better decisions
frequent questions
how much does a website cost?
A realistic starting budget range for a basic website designed and developed by shepx is $7,000 to $12,000.
We regularly create websites with much larger budgets. However, an entry-level website created by shepx has a budget between $7k–$12k.
how long does a website take to build?
On average, websites designed and developed by shepx take a minimum of 8 to 12 weeks.
The bigger the scope, the longer it takes to create.
do you create custom websites?
By default, our websites are custom-designed and developed.
When it makes strategic sense, we make use of resources that come from third parties.
Third-party resources could include a WordPress plugin that saves time and money, a core Shopify theme that allows us to focus on branding, or stock photography that aids our brand story.